Monday, August 27, 2012

Passion and Craving for Passion Fruit ...Now Filled and Satisfied

During my childhood days, I do love eating Passion fruit with pinch of salt savored in it to make it more delicious. Since it richly grew in our backyard, my father and I were fond of making Passion Fruit juices and chill it to quench our thirst. It is so rich with vitamin C because of its natural citric juice. I don't know what other natural chemicals, vitamins and nutrients it richly has. As one of my father's experience when he was hungry, he just ate a piece of its fruit, then he became full already and even quenched his thirst. However, as years passed, that fruit became so rare in the city where we live and it seemed that it no longer exist.

For the benefit of our knowledge, Passion fruit (Passiflora edulis) of Kingdom Plantae from the family of Passifloraceae, is a tropical fruit and it is widely known in Brazil, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Australia and other tropical countries. It is a vine that vastly creeps with its rich green leaves and bloom its buds to a beautiful flower with a combination of white and violet.Don't you know that it is the National Flower of Paraguay!Its color when still young is green then turns to yellow or violet when perfectly ripe. Violet passion fruit are commonly grown in Australia.

Many times in my life that I got to remember and missed this fruit so much. Craving to eat it and to drink its fruit again, led me to the market and searched for it especially during summer, but I failed. Not even a shadow of it is present.
Until, last August 7, 2011, during my fiance's birthday (Mr. Genesis Y, Rufino)we went to their place at Talakag, Bukidnon. It was my first visit in that place and my first privilege to meet his parents and the rest of his family. A blessed kind of experience and celebration. After a while, upon looking and exploring at their yard, I excitedly recognized the vine creeping around the fence. Great! It's Passion Fruit. Thank God!

Now, it has produced much fruit and thank you Lord for Genesis' parents and his siblings, for they generously send us ripe fruits here in Cagayan de Oro City for our consumption. It was not only us who benefited this great blessing from nature but also the children in their Tutorial Center and Church in Talakag. Children who had cough and colds were instantly healed by eating Passion Fruit. Amazing!

My Yellow Mellow Monday! MellowYellowBadge

Have a good day and God bless you!